Frequently Asked Questions about the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF)

Learn how you can access incentives for commercial and public lighting upgrades anywhere in Australia

  • 1. Are there any incentives available for commercial and public lighting upgrades outside NSW and VIC?

    Yes! Through the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) you can access incentives for both commercial lighting and public lighting upgrades anywhere in Australia.

    The ERF is a federal scheme that, among other activities, rewards businesses that become energy efficient and reduce their carbon emissions through lighting upgrades. The financial returns will vary depending on the energy savings achieved, and the incentives are generated in the form of Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs). Each ACCU represents one tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2-e) emissions avoided by an upgrade project.

  • 2. What are the eligibility criteria for accessing the Emission Reductions Fund (ERF) incentives?

    Incentives are available for lighting upgrades in commercial buildings or public areas located anywhere in Australia.

  • 3. I have heard that the Lighting upgrade method has been revoked from the ERF scheme. Is that true? If so, how can I still access the incentives?

    Yes, this is correct. The ERF’s Commercial and Public Lighting Methodology was revoked on the 7th of April 2022.

    However, you can still access ACCU’s under NCBA’s ERF aggregation project that commenced prior to the revocation date. NCBA’s Commercial and Public Lighting ERF Project commenced in 2020, therefore we are able to offer abatement until 2027. To understand more, please click here.

  • 4. How is the incentive paid?

    Unlike the other state-based energy efficiency schemes, the ACCU incentives are claimed and generated annually in arrears, for a maximum period of four years*.

    NCBA will create ACCU’s (Australian Carbon Credit Units) on your behalf as an ERF Scheme Participant, and transfer you the monetary return annually. NCBA acts as a central, third-party aggregator on behalf of groups of clients wishing to obtain financial support for their individual projects.

  • 5. What is the required evidence?

    The required evidence to claim ACCUs is similar to the State-based NSW and Victorian programs, requiring photographs, site plans, recycling of all mercury containing lamps and various documentation signed.

    It is important to note that under the ERF, a Lighting Design is mandatory and must be provided to the End-User prior to the implementation. This design will also need to be signed off by a MIES/FIES/RLP qualified Designer.

    The NCBA team will be on hand at every step of the process to ensure that the evidence collection process is as painless and efficient as possible.

  • 6. The next step?

    Contact us to if you would like more information about the ERF scheme on 02 9939 5559.

    Alternatively, if you have a specific site in mind and would like an accurate quote, please fill the form below.

Ready for the next step?

If you are interested in accessing commercial and public lighting incentives anywhere in Australia

Call us on (02) 9939 5559 or fill the form below and we’ll get back to you

If you want to know more details about this service, access the ERF page

  • Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF)

    We help you access the ERF and unlock financial support for your individual projects.